How to work with boards?

By using boards to classify and store artworks, you can easily keep track of your collection and quickly find the artworks you need for your projects or exhibitions. You can also share the board with your team or colleagues, enabling collaboration and easy access to the artworks.

Remember to keep your artwork files organized and clearly labeled to make it easier to find them when you need them.

You can access your list of boards from the Curator’s Tools menu item at the top, from the drop-down menu.

You can save artworks to the board. Upcoming: saving collections to the board.

There are two types of boards:

  • Private – can be visible to you only. It has a lock icon on it.

  • Public –- visible to others, can be shared on your social media, blog, etc.

To change the visibility, navigate to the board and press the edit icon

Public boards also have a Share button.

Click on the Share button and select how your would like to share the board:

Save artworks from the feed.

You can save artworks from the feed

Hover over the artwork, then press the bookmark icon.

Select the target board or multiple boards and press Save.

If an artwork is already saved to a folder, your will see the following bookmark icon

If you want to remove an artwork from the board, press the bookmark icon then uncheck all the boards in the list and press Save.

Save artworks to the board from The Curated Feed

Navigate to the Curated Feed This feed is carefully curated by The Curated community and our in-house curators.

Hover over the artwork, then press the bookmark icon.

Select the target board or multiple boards and press Save.

If an artwork is already saved to a folder, your will see the following bookmark icon

If you want to remove an artwork from the board, press the bookmark icon, then uncheck all the boards in the list and press Save.

Save artworks from the Art page

On the Art page press the bookmark icon to save the artwork to a board

If an artwork is already saved to a folder, your will see the following bookmark icon

If you want to remove an artwork from the board, press the bookmark icon, then uncheck all the boards in the list and press Save.

If you want to save an artwork to one more folder, press the bookmark icon and check the target folder without unchecking the rest of the folders.

Last updated